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English branch

Флирт / знакомство
С друзьями на NN.RU
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Who know English language, your welcome.
Горшочек, не вари (с)
In English please :)
What a FAQ?
FAQ or fuck? :)))
I know she's ment:)
For me it does not matter. How tall is she? I like girls above 180. :))
she isn't convenient to you:) could you talk us how tall is you?
I am 170 cm. I'm a dwarf. Hahahaha. :)) and what about you? :))
I have written at another thead, I'm 180.
And I hate:) girls the same tall as me or taller, in opposite to you
So we are on the same side. You're take to low girls, and i am take to tall girls. :))
Let us share:)
Yes;)l have never slept with a girl taller then me:) and l'd like not to do this
never slept? you didn't see life)
I'v seen some..
And l'v got my own opinion about something:)
You are afraid that a woman will be stronger than you ;-)
Why she might be stronger?
I'v just never felt anything to them...
Why hate? You could write "don't like" but you write "hate". Did they offend you?
Ok, let it be "dislike" o "don't prefer"... if it sounds better:) No offends, of course, just a joke.
Are you want to fuck? :))
if you want a sex so funny, fuck youself and save your money
It's a smart advice. And what about you? Do you want sex?
I think that, it's physiology. So you have to pay. :))
Hahaha, and what? :)
риал рашн ансвер:)))
Real answer? :) Really? And what means "rashn" in Russian?
Me knows English little-litlle, me aint know wtf is "English branch", me only knows "English thread" ))
what does it mean, english thread?
It means a discussion on the topic. :)
i see your point, TY, but I'm not sure about "thread"
What do you mean by "TY"? :) Thanks.
"Thank You" же:)
or thanks. :)
How right you are!
It means that the russian word "ветка", in the meaning it was used by the topic starter, is not a "branch", but a "thread".
TY, I didn't know.
Don't mention it ))
It will seems I'm smart much more:)
Donna undestanda )) "It seems I'm much smarter as I believed"?
I havent got advice level:) it isn't bad to make misstakes, much better is to be afraid of doing anything:)
You are totally right ))
Note: "advanced level"
Он же бизнес! он тут не ветку, а филиал секретный создал:) дочку тобишь:)
А филиал как раз - branch
Neither "English branch" nor "English thread" are correct.
A word "thread" is used to talk about e-mail conversations. In case of forums "topic" should be used instead.
Yes, you're right. But it's eternal problem of translation: should we translate what the author said o what he wanted to say ))
And of course, the word "thread" is applicable not only to emailing, but to fora as well: when a new thread in the topic is opened and so on.
Note accepted. :) It's my mistake. :)
My pleasure )) And please dont forget about articles and the verb "to be" ))
hahaha.. i'm trying. :)
i like to talk in english very much, but unfortutally can not:)
we understand you. :)
And by the way: "who knows the English language, you are welcome".
hahaha, ok. :) i agree. :)
"the" must be missed either, I think:)
If you know English, you are wellcome! - the correct variant is.
The good English only from "Un point de plus" user. I think he knows english of upper intermediate.
OK lets study together from him:)
It's very pity you wasn't present at my English exam and didn't tell it to our dean ))
What was your estimate? hahaha
My mark was "O holy shit, at last he's leaving us!" ))
Донт синк соу )) Если только вместе со словом "language".
anyway, you shouldn't use "the", I think. The only variant is to use "the language" without "English".
It's rather easy to check, googling both variants ))
You use russian transcription it's not correctly. :) This is English thread. :)
It's not correct. Compare: he did it not correctly (adverb).
i see. :)
By the way, should we expect an Yiddish thread? ))
Your business language is a beautiful. Where did you study?
Inyaz finished, clear penis ))
Why everyone talks about the penis? :))
Put it into a water and wait for fish:) FLZ girls are coming:)
hahaha. waiting the girls. :)))))))))
Это я так перевел усилительный оборот "ясен хер" ))
In English, fkn russian. :))
It was my way to traduce the locution "ясен хер" ))
Hello, I am Jelly :-)
Hi, Jelly . Your welcome of our thread. :)
pizza, icecream
and go to fuck :)))))) hahaha

ps sorry...)))) i am funny everyday))))
Hello, Jelly, I'm Muzzy. Big Muzzy.
I'm hungry))
Are you Bob? Hi, Bob! We are Bob and Muzzy, Muzzy and Bob are we, me and you, we are two, two great friends are we!
I'm Sylvia. Corvax loves Sylvia))
Which Sylvia? Saint Kristel? ))
нажмите, чтобы увидеть спрятанный текст
Сильвия Путина?!!! :-О Да лан, быть того не может...
long ago gone through the advansed level
what? :))
ou, you should speak excellent
well, I defended a diploma in my speciality in it at excellent. such a result got only 2 people at the course
Hey, it nice to meet you here:)
Nice to meet you too)
exactly) no one else mentioned
Raspizdelis, posmotrite na nih
Tits or GTFO!
Siski chtoli prislat'?
Sechiosh' temu!
Sama ne vizhu cho sfotala, no ya staralas
Природа тоже постаралась)))

Being cheeky - being happy, like people said)
ага, еще она такое ощущение что сжалась.. чтобы больше казались..
ps женские хитрости.
Несомненно, это же лежа, но могу и иной ракурс, мало что изменится
Не надо, я вам верю) Меня возбуждают длинные ножки)
А не грудь) Так что это точно не для меня)

ps На худой конец попа, но точно не грудь))
мне вот такие девуки нравятся) она правда 196 см)

самая высокая из моих бывших 188 см)
хотя была недавно 192 см, но секса не было) так что не считается)
Вот это я понимаю девушка))) *смотрит влюбленными глазами*)))

Вот бы такую)))
Не не, что вы, я на вашу любовь не претендую, мне до 180 даже не допрыгнуть
Плохо)) Мне тоже нужна любовь))
И повыше пожалуйста))
Миром правят девушки от 180 и выше. :))
Эх, чё то замечталось))
Ладно не будем душу мне травить)) Пойду я отсюдава))
so, it"s cool siski
The best breast of nn.ru , I'm afraid
Why are you chattering in such serious theme?
Serious? lmao!
Two for the pink one for the stink!
Что здесь делают прибалты? Кто такие эти Arvidas Raspizdelis и Ingeborga Posmotrite? ))
Ми, гусские, зодолбалися зогорать и нам скучна а вайфай агонь
Вай Фай - это какой-то китайский аниматор? Прям жжотнапалмом?
Ni panimat ya vashich rusish pod'evoke)
Чота фигня какая-то получается... Pod - это "стручок", evoke - "пробуждать"... Вы не понимаете, как пробуждать наши русские стручки? Да ну, ересь какая-то ))
Awake, деревня:)
But your interpretation isn't bad:)
To awake - это чтобы встал (человек или отдельная часть его), либо чтобы появился (в голове), to evoke - это чтобы появился (в голове или из какой-нибудь Преисподней). Естественно, применительно к "стручку" будет to awake или to awaken.
Lol, dude, a u srsly wanna talk dis boring language? teh english is not cool anymore, try ruski!
Better Chinese
Нихао, лаоваи!
Chinese is not supported by nn.ru . LOL)))))))
NN.RU is not the only one who cannot support Chinese (непереводимая игра слов).
мне надоело по английски говорить)) у меня уже мозг не думает))
Есть такое слово "must" у английских людей ))
Binary code is the best language!:)
U can translate here (copy&paste)

why not? :)
Try to talk a little, maybe U'll find some interesting... Better then always
i bet, u asked it to have the boooombastik fuker sex
Such a sexy girl:)
it"s not try
Let's see:)
Je parle francais un peu et tres mauvais
посмотрю я на вас, когда гугл транслейт отключат, англичане херовы))
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