
Что такое called off?

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call sb/sth off phrasal verb [transitive]

1 to order a dog or person to stop attacking someone: Call off the alsation - it's frightening my son.

2 to decide that a planned event will not take place; cancel: There's no rush now - the game's been called off.

3 [call off a strike/search etc] to decide officially that something should be stopped after it has already started: Rescuers had to call off the search due to worsening weather.
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gee, would you please shove it up the S?

as a some sort of a local second best pro (kindest regards to Kat), I'd insist that a dictionary alone is nothing but a bunch of wipers, which you can't even use, simply because one would never know if those are S-wipers or just plain toilet tissues )))

no offence, but i see no point whatsoever in copying dictionary articles to this forum (see my post above and Kat's post below)
в первую очередь в голову приходит "отозвать/отменить" но-таки ага, контекст